Who are we?

Cahill’s Taxidermy  began about 2012 with a simple desire to learn a new skill.  After a lifetime of enjoying the rush of hunting, Lucas, decided to take his passion one step further.  With an amazing eye for detail, Lucas began learning the art of taxidermy. 

The first years where spent learning as much as he could about the process and different tips and tricks. 

As a family run business, you will find many times a least one or two children will be observing Daddy in the shop. The older children enjoy getting to help on some of the more simple task.  Everyone in the family does their part from small task to big jobs around the house, to help support Daddy’s shop. 

For Lucas taxidermy is not just a simple task of preserving an animal, but an art.  The art of making the animal come back to life, giving the hunter a true piece of art to preserve the memory of the hunt for a lifetime. .